Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)


K max if your town suggest a better lynch

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Oh no Hippo I saw that vote on me at the start of the day.

Also. Someone sheeped onto the lynch pretty quickly.

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Vote Target Voters Number of Votes
MaximusPrime Memesky, htm, Hippolytus 3
Hippo MaximusPrime 1

did you guys even read the setup


@Htm why do u keep liking all my posts but not saying anything

We all know it’s bastard anyway duh

I’m saying nerbins isn’t in the game _-

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Do i need really write /s to any post with obvious sarcasm?

Instead of focusing on mechanics wanna say why ur not mafia?

Because I agree with them

/vote memesky

I actually have a scum read on him and probably hippo is trying to fish out the PR


I am cop I checked hippo he is town 100%

Pushing ur accuser is not really a better lynch

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Oh welp I’m dumb then

If you ever get pushed as cop still don’t claim. Only claim if your like l-1. You will still be lynched but we’ll get your info.

Guys I am super, super tired.

I’m awaiting the quickhammer after Hippo said that lul

Vote Target Voters Number of Votes
MaximusPrime Memesky, htm, Hippolytus 3
Memesky MaximusPrime 1

LMAO that reaction off Maximus was fucking dope

This game is deadline lynch only, there is no way to hammer.

I don’t think there is hammer tho…

What does that mean?