Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

/Vote twi

Nah cop said you were guilty + that bs defence

/vote twi

Honestly iā€™m good with lynching me if it provide some good info for town but scenario would be:
ā€œIā€™m going to be hanged and Hippo is going to be nextā€ so basically town will lose a day to think who might be my ā€œscummatesā€.

Lel said sheep. If youā€™re saying that he wasnā€™t suspicious then youā€™re either scum or VI.

Nah you are totally guilty

Itā€™s not like this is the same exact thing that I had to deal with

i have time. While you Fire and Hippo would be focusing to misslynch i would make a little ISO on someone who might be your 3rd mate. Sounds good? :wink:

Sounds good


we can save u time and tell u itā€™s htm

HIppo/Fire/HTM scum team? Thank boi.

Tbh I want to vote max or htm.

/Vote htm

Scum spotted

Iā€™m down /vote htm

Honestly all of Hippoā€™s odd reactions and sudden switches only read as cop fishing to meā€¦


Eh. Let him play a little more.


/vote htm

/vote Frostwolf
Anyone up for round 2?

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/vote Tw1 for now

What is this? A scumteam outing themselves day 2? :eyes:

Omgus but not really.

I think you knew Hippo was bsing his check on fire.

I donā€™t like your backpedaling trying to hide the fact either