Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

i would advise the cop to check someone else actually

i think it’s kind of a waste

No, Tw1 makes it obvious who i’m talking about
Twilight is the only person on the forum who starts with Tw and has a 1 in the name

Ah yes, what fine logic
“Let’s kill our good players instead of making them become confirmed town.”


This is why we almost lynched you yesterday
just sayin

i think hippo is not a good player :slight_smile:

Sadly, it doesn’t matter what you think

no, it’s because hippo started a random push on me and you guys were like “fuck it, whatever” and almost lynched me(well partially, and bc you can’t read me and i was salty lmao)

pls understand

Did you read my rant post at all

yeah, i can see your PoV, but i also hope you can see mine

Please read and reread

Hippo’s wagon grew far too quickly d1
It makes it hard for me to believe he’s mafia
Also he hasn’t been showing any of his classic scumtells

i didn’t vote hippo because of OMGUS, i tught that his plays were bad and scummy and it looks like cop fishing tbh

Please read and reread

You mirroring what I’m saying with something that doesn’t make any sense doesn’t make you sound intelligent
just saying

Hippo voted you because of your scummy entrance and that’s it
He wasn’t asking you for a claim
That in no way is cop fishing

What I was doing could be interpreted as cop fishing, not what Hippo did.

Prove me wrong
Quote me a message that clearly indicates Hippo is cop fishing

If you can’t find one, you concede your argument and sheep my Tw1 wagon.

Maybe you’re quick with reacting but i’m not. There was no reason to vote a Cop claim because there was a possibility he was one.

Like yours. :thinking So your vote on Frost was legit because it was for memes?

Ha! Interesting sentence from someone who claim to be Town.

Thank god there is such as decide fate. *Misslynch intesifies

Is that so? I already explained why did I vote Max so your “twisted logic” won’t work here.

Ok fine. Then for us what Hippo did that would suggest he’s town? Oh and explanation he’s “Good Player” or “He was doing a strats” it’s not an explanation.

Also implying that you’re “confirmed” Town and everyone should listen to you. :thinking:

Are you seriously implying that Max and Hippo are scum together and max was trying to bus Hippo? I’m not basing my claim on outside information- I’m basing it on the obvious fucking d1 interactions between the two.

Yet you said later AND I QUOTE
His claim was “OBVIOUSLY” false.

Also Frost’s defense and reads were horrid like usual

It’s not twisted logic
It’s just logic