Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

TBH considering how fishy I found and still find HTM’s continued word for word qouting of Tw1’s defense on Maximus, and how defensive he got when I questioned it

HTM Tw1 may actually be the scumslip of two out of HTM you’re looking for Marl

Yeh that’s why my vote is on Tw1

There’s just been something off about the way they talk this whole game too
I’ll look at their posts to see if i can figure out exactly what’s irking me

Wow so my sacrifice won’t be wasted? Cool, I guess.

If I can suggest somethin’ Cop I would check Fire if I were you.

I’d rather

/vote HTM

then though honestly, because if HTM flips scum we can confidently say Tw1 is the same as well
This removes the problem of “lowhanging fruit”

However that vote may change when I actually read this Hippo Cop Tw1 thing
For now though that’s where it’s at

You successfully converted Marluxion into VI!

Bus that cat for towncred then Tw1?

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Vote Targets Voters Number of Votes
htm Firekitten, Hippolytus, Oranegandblack5 , Whammerist 4
Tw1light Marluxion 1
CaptainNerbins htm 1

If Cop won’t come out with Mafia check on Hippo then sure. :thinking:

But I would really check Fire as Cop tonight. There is few things that concern me about him.

Of course if you don’t mind of a suggestion.

/vote HTM

Vote Targets Voters Number of Votes
htm Firekitten, Hippolytus, Oranegandblack5 , Whammerist, Tw1light 5
Tw1light Marluxion 1
CaptainNerbins htm 1

Mafia checks should be used on players we need to confirm for the inevitable passing of said cop
If Firekitten is confirmed town, he’s also still confirmed… Firekitten
It’s not worth it

Huh it’s seems Hippo is a good boi. At least i hope Cop checked him.

Mafia already went for Shurian because he claimed Cop and no one didn’t even try to question it. So there is high chance that Cop will survive another night.

This doesn’t change the fact I don’t want to check Firekitten
Confirming Firekitten as Town or Scum is not NEARLY as valuable as confirming someone like Ashe Orange Parfait as Town or Scum

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Fair enough. But we need to say who we want check to make sure if he’s scum or nah.

Do we?

I mean like for example if we think that Cop is reading everything and paying attention then:
A. If he went for our request then we can basically know player’s alignment by the fact Cop didn’t come out next day.
B. Giving multiple targets wouldn’t confirm any of them as Town, so that makes only Mafia check is valuable.

There is no reason to not following this plan. :thinking:

@Icibalus Can I make a poll real quick?

No, polls are not allowed.

Oh shoot.
/vote Ici