Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

you did good


i think my play got better the later into the game i got :thinking:

start as trash, end as average
lets go

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They grow up so fast.

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Same but worse

And Nerbins saves the day for the mafia! Hooray!

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I have a feeling around half the things I said on here will end up on the Stupid Quotes thread.

Me: is cop with good checks

Hippo: lol shit cop, I would’ve outed d1

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your checks were awful

and so was ur play

Guys be nice D:

Wut happened?

Everyone seems to be nice here…

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Calling a spade a spade isn’t being mean. You and htm played well. Max and many others, myself included, played awfully.


Wait I played well?

Thought I did awful

I think you did.

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Tbf I was an obvi scum imo

I mean if I was not me I would have lynched myself ASAP cuz that’s not how townie me would have acted

You don’t have to be amazing scum, you just have to be better at scum than everyone thinks you are.

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I feel that “many others” was directed at me.

I genuinely don’t think you played awfully. Like that hammer was dumb but overall you werent terrible.

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overall he said mostly nothing tho

yh but he was still kinda obvious town throughout the whole game which is a skill in itself

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