Private Messaging System outside of games?

Will there, at some point, be a private messaging system for friends while outside of games? I know that I oftentimes want to message my ToL friends–friends who aren’t on my Steam friends list, mind you–to ask if they’d be down for a few games. Unfortunately, at the moment, there is no way to private message people outside of being in the middle of a game right now without using Steam or Discord, which really feels like it has too much potential for cheating to me. So I just thought I’d throw this suggestion out there for the devs when they finish polishing the game and make progress in doing all of the things they want to do for it.

On a side note, I REALLY love this game. It’s so much better than Town of Salem because there isn’t nearly as much game-throwing and the community isn’t toxic, at least in my experience thus far. Keep up the great work!