Purgatory 2 - Devils Definitely Did Cry - Lost Souls win!

Kingmaker Whammerist vibes again
It’s best we don’t rush anything.

Common newb scum flipless tactic to drop a warrantless townread on a buddy. Can’t very well say I don’t have reasons when Ashe was literally delaying content.

Lol rip. This game is flipless lol you get sent to heaven or hell. Doesn’t say you flip and if you do this game is horribly broken in favor of town so yay if you do.

Correction you Ashe and Parfait

The others are PoE Town.

This game is NOT Flipless.


And I will respond to the rest after the roommate dinner

Well shit lol then we are golden XD


So your basis on this ‘tactic’ was because you didn’t read the OP and thought this was flipless?
I wouldn’t gutread as demon in any situation

I did read the OP.

I played this exact setup flipless on mafiascum hun and caught the first scum upon replacing in. This game being flipful is like awesome. We should snowball this easily.


Boom infinity was scum caught doing newb scum things.

Like dinner now be back later tonight :slight_smile:

Nah. I just move on to bigger things. :eyes:


We played purgatory too!

/unvote I don’t like this intent to hammer thing. 21 hours left.

“I will wait for more on this” and periodic fencesitter comments aren’t really useful either. :eyes: Wouldn’t you agree?

I would agree, but people pinged me multiple times asking what my thoughts were, so I shared them, albeit, they weren’t very insightful

Math on the other hand, is trying to force a play based on accusations with little reasoning, which should be addressed when he comes back, but until it is, my vote is on him

He has provided some reads and points. Do you agree with them or not?

I disagree, very obviously

With all of what he said? Why?

As I’ve stated in my previous posts, he has very little reasoning, and is being incredibly aggressive, which comes across as trying to push a misslynch of some kind, hence why I voted him.
I disagree with everything he has said at this point, excluding the point that OTB might be Town.