Purgatory 2 - Devils Definitely Did Cry - Lost Souls win!

10 posts is not too many and anyone who says it is dosen’t like having to be forced to play the game

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heck now there’s a random Satanic Neophyte who ends the game causing everyone but him to lose if he is sent to hell


The invitation / pre-in slots last 24 hours. If they aren’t confirmed by then, people who tried to join after it’s full will get the slots.

Good luck Marl :+1:

when will this start


as soon as it fills

i take it /join = /accept invitation :thinking:


Semantics really.

10 post per phase. :mask:

Since the phases can be up to three days I think it’ll be hard not to post enough for it unless you’re like me and sheep other people’s reads regardless of alignment


but i am like you

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the day ends when it flips. so it could be under 24 hours for one phase. and it instantly turns to the next phase.

this tho

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ok lets go

Ah fuck this, I think I’ll have the time to be active/try

I just hope I don’t roll scum cause I dislike being scum


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hope someone doesnt give you the gun.



fun fact: we can legally policy lynch without actively harming our chances of winning this game