Purgatory 2 - Devils Definitely Did Cry - Lost Souls win!

That is literally avoiding it.

No. It is telling you I am not answering it right now. Avoiding it is the lack of reply.

Go look at the vote count and see your mistake.

Feel free to spell it out for me.

On my lunch break I will but I want others responses first :slight_smile: See if they see what I do.

Itā€™s always better when people drink voluntarily.

I donā€™t see what post you are talking about with this post either.

I will be back in 18 hours or so to revisit this. Have plans tonight.

Joker+Maxi+Solic scum team donā€™t @ me

That team is literally impossible

if its 2/3 idc, we still win

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Doesnā€™t matter if we donā€™t lynch scum here we lose. This is absolutely lylo for us

judgement day mah dood

OTB can easily send one of the two to hell we donā€™t send to hell and we can still win

Uhhh no? The first post says zilch about that.

If Max is town and there are two or more scum off the wagon, then quickhammering is necessarily advantageous for them because it turns into at best townā€™s shot is RNG.

If Max is town and there is only one scum off the wagon then they are playing a need to convince people to vote Max. Both Noz and Ici are relatively inactive though. This is possible only if Noz is indeed scum even though he is the more active of the two as he doesnā€™t want to be caught pushing town demise. Instead he attacks me and you chainsaw. This is the most likely world.

If Max is town and there is no scum on that wagon then scum are necessarily bussing a buddy here without reason. Why? Myself Noz Ici Max all town means 7-4 is three Solic Ashe and Joker would have to be scum and not doing anything here is dumb.

TLDR if Max is town Noz is scum

Converse assuming Max scum coming up.

If Max is scum and there are no scum on the wagon then they are necessarily spread out looking for a counter wagon. Myself Noz Ici town necessarily means the other two scum in Solic Ashe Joker.

Solic is pushing Joker and Ashe and Joker arenā€™t really doing anything. This means that Max is scum and no scum on the wagon can be summarily discarded. In other words scum lack any concern of Max going to hell in that scenario.

If Max is scum then one or more scum would be attempting to get towncred off of the wagon. Except no one is really pushing Max the votes are old and crusty. Nozā€™s latest interaction is to poke me and the ONLY person who could get any towncred is Ici but his play is so unremarkable as to not merit it.

This necessarily makes Max town.

Based on prior arguments Max town with one scum on the wagon makes the most sense.

Combined with Nozā€™s slip at the start of the day Solic Noz looks hella likely.

This setup mandates scum send scum to heaven or hell on D1 to prevent this scenario from occurring.

Now letā€™s assume that this is indeed Ici trying to bus for towncred and get props. The main thing that gives pause is here.

Putting this here for reference

Iā€™m confused on how I keep ending up on all your scum team guesses :sweat_smile:

Either way, Iā€™m good to vote Max, Solic or Joker today, they all seem fairly scummy to me. (although I donā€™t have the words right now to explain why, more on that when I can formulate sentences a little better :p)

Final VoteCount

Notice how that split is
It is either a Solic/Noz or a Max/Ici world

They are directly opposed. This means a majority of scum have voted.

Max v Solic and Ici v Noz is necessarily two TVS/SVT