Purgatory 2 - Devils Definitely Did Cry - Lost Souls win!

With at least two thirds of the scum if not all the scum having voting moving votes would be hella suspicious.

Solic instead argues with OTB taking up precious time.

This means that Solic was indeed wanting scum and I know I am not scum ergo by PoE Noz has to be.

Mainly it has to be Solic + Noz or Max+Ici

And I want Ashe to make a fucking decision or interact.

Joker get in here and react to my case

Joker is a bad vote. Max Or Solic only.

Here the game devolved into a general apathy after I revived it. This should have fucking told me I was pushing town. It also means scum had no incentive to try to change anything. Means that scum would be at the beginning or the end. Ici or Solic.

Which means that Ashe either voted to enforce the apathy or Joker is with Solic

Solic Noz Joker Or Max Ici Ashe

Shit. Weā€™re fucked


I look forward to reactions peoples

If i was demon why didnā€™t near EoP i didnā€™t jump to myself?

If itā€™s one or the other then itā€™s gotta be the first one (from my perspective at least), but Iā€™m still confused on how youā€™re coming to these conclusions, so Iā€™ll be back to re-read in a little bit to see if my brain will turn on lol

But I mean I could see that scumteam being the one so you might be on to something

Also Marl the original post still says Memesky is in the game instead of Noz :eyes:

Because that monseuir would be a scum claim and we donā€™t have to get all we only need two

@Marluxion can we do end game plans to speed this up?

Absolutely no


Argue this isnā€™t a slip. I dare you.

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I will commit honorable Sudoku
and fix it after I wake up


i would if it was a triple dog dare :wink:
my plan was
-We lynch Maxi/Solic
-If we go to judgement day, OTB votes Solic as demon
-Next phase we send Math to heaven
-hell phase we send joker to hell

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solic/maxi* fucking quick typing

hang on

Did you just slip that we wonā€™t go to judgement day if Solic was lynched? lol

/vote Solic

Think MathBlade is onto something here lmao

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Rules donā€™t say anything about a judgment day?

And what the fuck is that speed up plans question from Noz?

Itā€™s in the OP

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