Purgatory 2 - Devils Definitely Did Cry - Lost Souls win!

And of course I have to go to bed now. Let’s see what you’ll make of this people. :eyes:

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Overthebin was sent to heaven. He was a lost soul. You must now send someone to hell.


vote Solic

Solic + Noz scum?

Mainly because that last post is soooooo bad. He isn’t trying to send up people he townreads to heaven. He tried to make it based on fun.

personally I think it was a white knight attempt to make me look good

wtf that didn’t come out right,
“personally i think it was a white knight attempt to make him look good”

I think that is a slip. Solic and Noz?

nah its just me being a fucking idiot was usual :wonderwho:

wow otb was lost soul

/vote ici

marl change the title pls thx

Nah, I actually have a townlean on solic atm…

Also like 99% sure Ici is demon

Maxi+Solic/ici+Joker scum team change my mind

then vote your scumreads ffs

(vote ici pls)

further explaination
If Ici flips LS, Solic is bussed demon
If Ici flips demon he is also bussed demon
/vote Maxi

lmao you’re literally saying im scum no matter what

i demand nozbug to be blacklisted if he’s lost soul(mostly sarcastic btw)

thing is you’ve been pretty scummy, if Solic is demon there is no way Ici is demon, and vice versa

sheeping ici without a second thought because you believe you are right 10000% yet also calling him scum at the same time and saying that he just has good points so you can blame him

if you are town you do deserve to be called bad

Eh, ring rust I guess

That’s the worst excuse i have ever seen but k