Purgatory III: The Reckoning! Spec Chat

I’ve hosted exactly 1 game and it was dead.

this is my 2nd game hosting
1st game I also had a ded thred ._.

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I’m thinking of hosting a second one but I want to make my own setup and also have no ideas for a good setup

i’ve hosted a few games and all have had ~average activity levels

no major hyperposting in any, which makes sense since i’m usually one of the bigger offenders of hyperposting :eyes:

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I’m usually in the top 3 or 4 posters when I play so it makes sense my game would be less active

i’ve hosted a few games, none of them terrible hyperposting except for 61.5, which was 13k posts in a 16’er


im extremely UTR ._.

That’s crazy lol

of which i had over 2000 of


…i was intending to post less that game too :upside_down_face:

i think i posted fairly reasonably until D3

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I was in a 16’er with 15k posts

1/4 of which came from me and katze combined


And I died d3

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that’s definitely more posts than I think I’ve ever played in a game with not counting mashes


good times, good times


how the hell do you people have the time
how the hell do you people have the things to say

I might have caught up if I didn’t get ritualed d3 and was scum from start of game and not mid d2

I think ~1000 of those posts were from mid d2-mid d3 post-convert because I hyperpost like crazy as scum

Same I make lots of one liners as scum to look more involved.

My average post count is definitely higher as scum but my posts are more wordy as town.

to be fair

me/kat/wazza were just flooding the thread with off-topic

and it was distance learning and it’s not like I actually do schoolwork :joy_cat:

I think my top hyperpost game was FoL27 but that was also probably my 2nd top willage game so I don’t like talking about it

What does willage mean? I’ve heard it used occasionally on MU

talking about cats was more important than talking about the game

wolfy villager iirc

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