Question for FoL / FM players here that don't play ToL

FoL 22

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it was probably 21 or something
Don’t think I played any FoL’s in between 19.5 and 23.

In FoL 19.5 (before you joined here) I was warlock that openwolfed and used my day ability and tried to get scum to kill the prince
It didn’t work, they didn’t attack him that night, and I was jail exe’d and lost

I remember reading through that one

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I wish I had your time to read games :frowning:

Been meaning to pull a @darth_tabor on my game history

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For my first several games here, it was almost always the case that I was terrible
like auction mafia (my first game) and SCP FM, where i lost both as town horrifically

Welcome to literally everyone


i was also modkilled in both of those, but that’s not the point

to be fair

getting modkilled does tend to inhibit your ability to advance your win condition


I was trash

Fire was trash

eevee was probably trash

Arete had a bit more experience in FoL so not really trash but they’ve improved a ton

Nobody starts good


i didn’t really understand the rules, especially in terms of angleshooting, for quite a few of my first games here

what did you do

To be fair im still pretty trash
At least i think i should be better for someone that’s been here 13 months
but im not

i think i explained this before after mafia academy ended lol

I still remember that time I got kicked out of Flow because I didn’t realize self-voting was actually a thing in FM and threw a Seer13 game by self-hammering as a joke in LyLo

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This was like


in any case to answer your original question it makes sense that if your primary ToL experience was ‘let other players solve the game mechanically and sheep them’ that it would get stale

letting everyone else do all the solving is boring


the problem is that i’ve done this so much and played ToL in this way that requires very little mental commitment in-game for so, so long that i don’t think i’m capable of playing the game in this new way
so i don’t think i’ll come back

It’s not weird something gets stale over 1100 hours. Especially with the little amount of update shakeups recently. FM setups have just wayyy more variety.

ToL is just too fast for me now that I can take my time in FM. I just don’t like the turbo format first. It gets the adrenaline and excitement flowing, but isn’t relaxing.

(Did I just say FM is relaxing :thinking:)