Question for FoL / FM players here that don't play ToL

i guess my answer to this goes along with why Vanilla Mafia / Mountainous is my favorite kind of game
I love social deduction. The closer a game is to pure deduction / deception, the more i like it

The more I play ToL, the more I think it isn’t that much of a social deduction game
It’s much less of one than any game run on this site.

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I don’t like FoL because it has all the shiny abilities

ToL is a game about crosschecking mechanical reference

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the shiny abilities aren’t the greatest on their own
BUT it adds new roles and mechanics which excites me
While still maintaining the deduction element that i like so much

^ this IMO

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So you think it was just not the right niche of game for you, I guess?
Since ToL is trying to have some social deduction but in the end it’s not trying to be socially based.

If FoL is 60% deduction and VFM is 100%
I consider ToL to be 10% or less

I liked it. I just like FM more because it crosschecks social reference which is by far more imprevisible.

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no one i’ve ever played ToL with has ever adhered to this wish.

So… you could see ToL as starting point for people who would like to get more into Social Deduction games, but on long term real social players are trying to get into FM and other more socially based games?

i would say yes
ToL is not the end goal for people that love social deduction, even though it could be a stepping stone
The end goal would be games like FoL, FM, BotC, Ultimate Werewolf, SH, Avalon, et cetera

So you could say, Mountainous and closed FMs are on one side of the spectrum, purely mechanic based games are on the other, and FoL and ToL are mix forms (FoL is a kind of FM but its an open setup and has exceptional deep mechanics, ToL is a mechanical game which is somewhat social as well)

Then you haven’t played with any good player ever :wink:


Apparently so.

I would say ToL is very close to the mechanical extreme
While FoL is on the other side of the center but only half as far away as ToL

I would disagree

Conversion in particular puts people in rough places where it’s more about noticing shifts in behavior, which are generally easier to see

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apparently others play ToL differently
but when I play, the game goes too fast such that there’s never time to identify things like this
and like i said, in my 1,100 hours of playing the game, i’ve never seen anyone attempt to do so, ever.

Under time pressure in particular this can be super noticeable