Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

wait i didnā€™t even know eevee was ever off of the review team

too busy for it

you :joy_cat: must :joy_cat: review :joy_cat: my :joy_cat: setup :joy_cat: immediately :joy_cat: or :joy_cat: cringe


I go down list mostly
my review Iā€™m on currently should be done soon

was /s just in case
i donā€™t actually expect yā€™all to drop everything for my objectively superior setup immediately

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when the fuck will mods review my setup

review or i sue

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because pogslide cogslide

when the courts make me, as im counter suing

i will warn yā€™all
henry stickmin FM is a giant mash of
completely unbalanced ideas thrown into a pot with henry stickmin sauce

you know whatā€™s better

catgirl jester nightless

you fool
charles is going to crash into your house now

@DatBird Usually someone else was putting it in queue. Donā€™t blame me. :upside_down_face:

yeah me usuallyā€¦ but thats cause i noticed it. But i noticed it for 3 games this time. Too much work for me

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go to horny jail

iā€™ve already sent him some wonderful pictures :^)

I will now review bullshit setups


Iā€™m confused on what this post means

theres the list of games in the first post that is the list of games to be reviewed. Ur game isnā€™t on there

How do I put it on the list? I might be brain dead but I never even realized there was a list