Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

give eevee some time, pretty sure heā€™s asleep rn

I have a feeling I may, but Iā€™ll make a final decision when the time comes.

Itā€™s been 31 hours since this post was made :frowning:

eevee works in mysterious ways

i have a genius idea
henry stickmin FM: virtous

/pre-in? :eyes:

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The Hellā€™s Librarian glares at you over their spectacles. Youā€™ve clearly spoken out of turn.

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I take it thatā€™s a no

Well fuck you too then >:(

remind me to actually read the OP if i do join

because i uh

did not do that last time.

You know, I do warn people to read the OP.
ā€¦But maybe that warning would be more effective if it werenā€™t in the OP.

Unfortunately the player who nerds on people to read the OP is now the host

That does not prevent you from ā€œnerding on peopleā€ to read the OP.

But I get to do it in big letters

I struck you down, and you became more powerful than I could possibly imagine.

botf VI is based

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Weā€™ve been bamboozled


it canā€™t go worse than 4

The only way to get worse than 4 is to host 4 again

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I have experience

donā€™t make me do it