Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

If that’s fine with the two of you I will

i mean
it might not exist
but sure

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@ apprentices

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I mean a masters of balance gc

To talk about game stuff

Not like one specifically for a game

oh feel free

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oh ok
yeah that’s even better

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I mean we kinda have to be creative with the next Danganronpa because one of the people who could host or play it well …

Ah we have Ici and Arete hosting the next Danganronpa.
It’s in good hands now.

@Pug Welcome back :eyes:

also @Solic we need to sign up and play a game together now that i’m back

i see other people using this for off topic so dont arrest me for doing it once, pls officers

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I was originally going to just say the one message in that thread but I think I might say a bit more while I’m still logged in

Hey all, Scott Pug here.

Edit: Oh sorry I didn’t know you couldn’t off topic here. I’m just wondering where do you talk?


stop right there, criminal scum

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I’m joking btw but usually we talk in a separate discord since off-topic was paywalled


may I have the invite?

Check simon’s profile, should have the invite there

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link isn’t working for me. What witchcraftery do I have to do to get it to work?


I’ll DM you an invite then

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alright thanks

seeing YTTD makes me think of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and that’s all I can see


I assume we’ll soon know what it is by


reading an OP.

ok but reading the op? in my forum of lies?
it’s less likely than you think

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