Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Okay, two things:

  1. I only regard the games I host for this evaluation, so I default to Moonlight, in which Amelia concocted the plan to mechlock the Demon, and then somehow managed to be the Godfather’s kill despite being the only non-Demon player that evil had a nonzero chance to frame as Demon.
  2. Don’t patronize me. We all know that the real MVP of V was whoever allowed Stargazer and Soothsayer to exist simultaneously, because that decision singlehandedly won good the game.
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I did that I guess even though I did nothing useful otherwise

Well, that plan would have guaranteed good’s win had it gone off without intervention, and when it fell through thanks to Storyteller intervention your death was the biggest thing that made Blue the Demon over you.

ok but

i figured lol

Seriously, Marshal and I saw Light’s kill, and both just immediately went “Well, evil’s fucked.”

also the only time I’ve seen a Tinker get daykilled to my knowledge

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imagine having played with a tinker at all

It’s usually not recommended, but given that Tinker was already basically locktown to everyone else and that Godfather could get a kill off to throw a spanner in the works if we offed Tinker, I stand by that play.
(TBH we also were looking forward to evil using the Tinker kill to argue that maybe the Godfather was dead and we were just using that to cover for the fact that Demon wasn’t actually poisoned by Courtier [read: that Amelia was the Demon].)

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ye I know that daykilling tinker is usually bad because it self confirms them

Tan: “Storytelling is a delicate art requiring one to understand every possible aspect of the gamestate and plan out each move accordingly”
Amelia: “lunatic go brrr”

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and now you know why I’m not allowed to storytell BMR

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Okay, yeah, I had to look back in our DMs, but you were the one who storytold the Lunatic!Alice game! Christ, you really are addicted to Lunatic…

and well

it quickly came to my attention how well Lunatic works with Lycanthrope when that released :wowee:

Next game open when


if you specify the time it opens precisely, it is impossible to determine where it is opening due to the heisenberg uncertainty principle

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schrodinger’s FOL
until the signup thread is posted it is both an FOL and a vanilla FM simultaneously

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everyone recieves both town and mafia rolecards
alignment is randomly determined on observation (death, peeks, etc.)
I see nothing broken about this

Everyone receives both town and mafia rolecards

They must win with both.

