Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Neo would return negative on JOATs as well as Mafia goons.

Yes we call it market research.

Oh yeah wait thereā€™s 2 Joats nvm forgot about that

market research is typically best done in the environment youā€™re actually considering
which is people on the signup thread choosing to join or not

Suggesting someone remembers all the lists.

okay you meant that gunsmith

theres two roles both generally called gunsmith (one checks for killing capabilities, one gives people guns)

neapolitan in this setup is just ā€œa cop that might accidentally out the other PR, which is also basically self resolvingā€

but this is more of a review thing and im not reviewing setups rn :eyes:

(pretend this was a reply to like 10 posts ago im distracted)

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What if the JOATs had different abilities?
1 JOAT is Cop/Vig/Doc and the other JOAT is Neapolitan/Rber/Gun manufacturer.
Iā€™m referring to gunsmith as gun manufacturer to avoid confusion.

like i said this is more of a setup review thing so if you found a reviewer you could probably talk to them one on one a lot easier (especially cause im kind of busyrn)

iā€™d say this is probably too much town power for just a mafia GF/2 goons

but i need to get back to things so iā€™ll leave it at this~

Man Iā€™m so disappointed. I thought Katze was a 2nd reviewer too :frowning: .

Itā€™s true.
You said you retired before but came back.
This is your family. This community is like your family and you miss us when your gone.

I hold too much attachment to the people here.


Does that include me?

I hold attachment to anyone, even you.

Youā€™re very unique.


Imagine abandoning the ToL server again though

I voted yes but tbf Iā€™d play any game but you have to give me rights to complain about it


Just call your team bad if they make mistakes Kappa.

would i play it? yes
is it balanced? no
joats should be 1 shot

Would you be ok with 2 shot if the abilities werenā€™t so powerful?

i mean iā€™d play in it either way but thatā€™s because iā€™m me and iā€™m dumb

itā€™d be much more closer to balanced if the joats were 1 shot tho

Or the Mafia could have their own JOAT for balance.