Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Not every single one
Just, like… four of them. But one of those is because it was portrayed really well in a fanfiction so she doesn’t count.

I stand by my statement that Pyrrha Nikos is literally best girl

I agree. Everything Most of everything went to fire after S3 ended.

you’re literally the Kyo of Anime

or well the Kyo of RWBY I suppose.

I take offense to this on like
Five different levels

Is it wrong though

Pyrrha Nikos is the best girl
Would do anything for the ones she loves

Pyrrha Nikos is special, and I shouldn’t be judged based on an outlier

why are you booing me, I’m right

But I’m a judge

It’s my job to judge you

Well, yes, but actually no

No, you’re an Italia

And it’s Italy’s job to judge you as well

Italy is invalid as a person for being Italy, though

No he’s invalid as a person for hosting catgirl bomb nightless

you share my sin in this

Amelia why did you decide to do this

I never said I didn’t :^)

Because everything I host goes wrong

Thus further lowering game quality and increasing the sin factor