Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Implying you have to look back to see cringe

so whatā€™s the concept behind this

Actually, scratch that. Wazza did something based on that game earlier this year, but the way they did it was kind of like mixing up DR with it while my plans involve making it a purely distinct misc by using the source material rather than mixing it up with a DR Killing Game.

Still running the game though. Yā€™all should play it 'cause itā€™s an Alice game. And if you refuse then Iā€™ll kidnap you and force you to play it.


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YTTD part 2w:
lets go

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Life number 3 in a YTTD yay.
Who knows, might even get a 4th depending on characters :stuck_out_tongue:

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I wanted to joke that the game itself didnā€™t have updates in ages, but apparently 3B is actually a thing now.


@Alice If you like obscure nerdy mystery VNs, I recommend Sekimeiya.

actual picture of me waiting for the next misc:



Please donā€™t drink random liquids again.

Hey now.
That was in Death City.
In YTTD I got assassinated as the Queen and then revived and executed by majority as a weird glitch person.
Totally different things.
I wonā€™t drink too many random things. If anything.

thanks lol

Tbh, Iā€™m kind of surprised that neither App nor Whysper found out how deviously I designed Enjoymentland.

@Apprentice @Whysper
Please tell me that you noticed it, right?

Iā€™m mentioning this here as Iā€™m going to incorporate one of the key elements of that design into may puzzles in the coming misc. OwO

And you heard it right.

Expect PUZZLES! And lots and lots of PUZZLES!

So, what do you guys think about puzzles?

  • I like Puzzles, bitch!
  • Puzzles are the shit!
  • Puzzles? I fucking love them!
  • Fuck yeah, motherfucking puzzles!
  • I fucking prefer puzzles than anything else in the world!
  • Fucking hell, bring on the puzzles!

0 voters

Are you talking about the amusement park in Death City? I do remember the way it worked (I donā€™t want to say much in case that gives away something about future puzzles). I might have missed the exact deviousness of it, though. I do see the potential fun someone could have if they have an alternate wincon. :slight_smile:

In the park, the three puzzles to access the Haunted House had to be done in pairs, while to get the relic from the house itself you had to kill someone there.

My intentions was for someone to get a partner, do the rides with them, and stab them in the back when they got to the sacrifice part.

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Ahhh yes, I guess I was lucky App didnā€™t just kill me there and then. Haha, maybe if there had been a time limit or something. :slight_smile: Otherwise it was fine waiting to arrange for the right person to do the kill.

is like

no game opening signups until enough people die in the FAM

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Civilization Mash Alice + poor schmuck that sheā€™s gonna get to cohost 30+ 48/24 Minimash

Since this site is playing mashes again, Iā€™ll just pop in and advertise that Iā€™m making a very Alice-y mash thatā€™s probably going to be ready ~August depending on the queue.