Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

they didn’t reveal despite being widely sussed, then in F7 they got two votes on them and the two living wolves hammered

then they turned out to be an alt of a permanently banned user although I don’t think that relates to them not revealing

in 14v3 Mountainous, wolves need to get a total of six misexecutions to win, which is a lot for the number of wolves there are

not unwinnable but very frustrating especially if one of the three people who rands wolf is an ‘obvious contrasting meta’ sort of player and gets exe’d day 1

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tbf they were an alt of a person who got perma’d for cheating in turbos a year ago
I dont think they have a history of throwing or anything like that

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why would you cheat in a turbo of all things

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Speaking of cheating I still remember that one dream I had where I accidentally cheated and Sulit caught me and I was so scared in the dream it felt like she was gonna kill me


butter knife


yeah I mean I have no reason to suspect it was anything but a misplay

Don’t ask.

this reminds me of the time I had a dream where Sulit won FAM because they were lying darkness

we all just dream about Sulit murdering people, huh.




w hat

It’s 8BIT Legacy FoL

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smt game would be kind of sweet tbh

aka using the old setup rather than the new one
I’m just “making every role extremely simple while also maintaining the original power of the setup”

never suggest this setup ever again

There are several good 17p games
It’s probably the best player count in terms of how many good setups have been created for it

I can refer you to any if you want

d6 mafia but it’s a 17p
wow that probably solves the vast majority of the problems with d6 mafia

but wow 2pr setups yikes

what do ppl think of a 17-18p setup with itas BUTTT there are .explicit reviewer-approved mechanics to keep this from being swingy
and ita sessions probably for host sanity

will it get worse than homestuck