Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Some sort of compensation then lel

The revive was ā€œcompensationā€

being revived as flipped scum clearly was the compensation

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we only won through tricks, luck and some very insane powerwolfing that pushed two mislynches in a row

All I can think of right now is a laughing Marshal.

oh right we did win that game
a multiball
after getting our leader modconfirmed as scum and our delayed rampager who started with the bonus (which let them replenish ability uses that werenā€™t #-shot) vigged

astand hardcarry


you want to be added to the classcards right?



can I co-host and write flavor :^)




Itā€™s about damn time if you ask me.
That 36/24 wad begging for a denial.
I just wonder why it took sulit so long to do it.

Uh lets keep things civil please

ā€¦arenā€™t I doing that?

i just feel that its gonna get heated so im more putting this out that i warned ya first

Good to know. Thank you. :+1:


Well it would be nice if you were respectful to other peoples time and effort, consider Iā€™ve had to discard it entirely (well, I can recycle maybe 30% of it)

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I respect people the way I want them to respect me, but as you can somewhat tell, I do not exactly respect you at this moment.
This may cause in me saying offensive words, and I hereby apologize in advance.

Wow. Donā€™t hold back, tell me how you really feel

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