Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Also Trapped and Big Brother take like no time at all like I mentioned earlier. I’m in both and they both aren’t really much of a time commitment at all

Yeah, I was in Trapped and personally I didn’t want to join Big Brother, but they aren’t hard gamemodes or time consuming ones.

Neither was Danganronpa, apart from for Alice (lol)

Mole is helping cohost right?

Yep, he is.

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but tldr thoughts from me are:

I don’t think current games will have a significant affect on activity in Dangan due to them being low commitments. If people slank they probably would’ve slanked anyways. That being said we should start it whenever Alice feels most comfortable, since hosting Dangan is basically a full time job


Open a third fm is no option? :upside_down_face:

FMs are more time-intensive to play than Miscs, so no.

yeah FMs, even laid back ones, are heavily time consuming compared to something like Trapped where I type something like once every 24h

we tried and it resulted in like people focusing less on each, and signups taking forever. two fm is hard cap unless we had like three 9ers in

You can try opening a third game when one of the two running games is nearly over, as is the case now, if you have not tried that yet. That also smoothes over the level of “site activity” at a given time.

I have considered this, the only problem with this system is two things. Overestimation on how close a game is to being over, and in opening a new game early it kinda cements the game is over for those that are in it and could not only lower wim but peoples expectations. Plus we just had a game fill today

And you can also cap how long something can be in signups, since just not everything is always popular, but that’s a lot more of a loaded suggestion. :upside_down_face: Just throwing out an idea.

…why aren’t people talking in the other thread?

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We can move on over


frick I’m super hyped for Dangan again out of nowhere

what do

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You can make a hard cap like if 2/3rd of the players are dead to avoid any idea of spill.

Take a cold shower.

this sounds unpleasant

That is another thing, we can be like if this game doesn’t fill by the Xth it just gets kicked off. Now that works, but I dont think any game hasn’t filled in a long bit, and some games need that time. Jojos almost didn’t get off the water if it didn’t take two weeks. Its like we can kick things out, or we can give em a chance. If its stagnant sure, but if there’s new ins occasionally I say let it ride, but I might be in the minoroity on that one

Yeah that could work, but force game not to start at the minimum til the game before ends

You like plan how ur gonna murder me idk

maybe try this system with WYM as im pretty sure its a 2/3rds and Harry Potter as thats next