Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

pigeon at least play a game ree

i didn’t notice the misc part

How would that work? it sounds cool but I’m curious

I’d have it play out in rounds, where everyone may go to one room and do one task there. And meetings would be 24h long, or shorter if everyone votes.

just make it danganronpa 4

Never played Dangan though. Also, that would require mechanics. No, Among Us works fine for me.

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doesn’t require much knowledge of dangan
dangan is actually a singleplayer visual novel

Doesn’t every game require mechanics?

Not to mention if you have a mechanicless game, isn’t it just voting simulator which makes it a normal vanilla game.

Going back to being dead.


Just buy Danganronpa on Steam. 4Head

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I’d think of something but my brain isn’t the best at understanding mechanics so I definitely need more time

tol flavored danganronpa kinda cool idea maybe by the time I figure out how hosting/cohosting/mechanics work I could find ideas for that and do it in the future

But yeah pigeon, I would look more into mechanics n stuff especially with. A forum version of a game like among us

You can’t really possibly have a game without ANY mechanics

Imagine thinking you can play a social deduction game without mechanics. LUL

this is why vanilla sucks
mash gang rise up

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Listen I didn’t mean social deduction I meant like

Games like among us u_u

Like if pigeon specifically wanted to make a game like among us I feel like it would just be really…not like among us without at least some sort of mechanics

it would be like among us flavored but not really like the game itself

I feel like among us only works in that specific digital medium

Unlike ToL, where most of its elements can be transferred to irl (and to forums), the core element of tasks and finding/reporting bodies is… unique to the digital world

Like imagine coming up with a setup for forums based on ToL mechanics like the Possessor taking over other people’s accounts and muting other people for periods of time

all mostly digital-only things

That’s not really transferable?

Needless to say I’m greatly curious what our 2 sets of hosts have in mind :eyes:

Fair point

For FM?

voting is a mechanic

the closest thing to a mechanicless game is probably the “play pretend” you definitely did with a sibling when you were like 6.


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