Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Have you seen me host before?

Heres one of the games Iā€™ve hosted

Not all my games are unbalanced (Although this one was) but I mean I suppose I can grab a Co-Host If thatā€™s what you would need from me.

I just have allot of ideas and itā€™s hard to find a place to host one of them at.

Seth I believe itā€™s more of a distrustment sort of thing. When you first arrived to the forums you were instantly toxic for absolutely no reason and decided to throw a game for Town when they were in a bad spot by hammering themself, that wouldā€™ve been forgiven and frankly it basically has been completely forgotten about.

But I believe thatā€™s a lesser issue to the amount of times youā€™ve been warned for doing bad things such a claiming to strategically replace out and also not to mention youā€™ve had so many games youā€™ve put up for review that have been denied that Iā€™m positive the reviewers are just constantly hovering over an instant ā€˜denyā€™ button for you due to the lack of understanding what should be balanced in a game. You had a Mafia IC in a non-bastard game which is just beyond unbalanced and Iā€™m pretty sure the reviewers just see you as constantly making the same mistake over and over again in a game you create. Some games are savable by the reviewer. If the reviewer canā€™t save it, how do you expect the co-host to?

Also the example you posted here was bad because it was an unbalanced game, if you want people to trust the game youā€™ve created then it would probably be better to post a game that is balanced.


also i have to point out that Upicks arenā€™t meant to be unbalanced
obviously the constraints mean it will be a bit more rough-around-the-edges than other games
but theyā€™re still meant to be balanced, in my view

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My 1-shots is very balanced and very basic.

Oh did you see that before?
You go on MafiaScum as well donā€™t you?

How about this.
How about I show someone else first and then I show a reviewer.

Reviewers are specifically the people you are meant to show though.

Thatā€™s just adding a reviewer before the reviewer.


I mean, Iā€™d be fine with seeing the setup/OP.

we need reviewers who review decisions of other reviewers

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thats why we have a review team

but do u have a team to review the reviewers?

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lying darkness


One problem: [More reviewers = Less players] when it comes to Standard (AKA closed setup) FMs.

I mean 1-Shots is pretty much an Open Setup if you all want me to post it here.
You can still look at it and join the game.

Itā€™ll be shown anyway in sign ups

Although itā€™s possible that there may be some unbalanced so.


Do I have permission to make a post where I can have others help me to make it more balanced?
Itā€™s that some of the 1-Shots could be too good or it could be too much and needs less amount of 1-Shots to get.

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If itā€™s an open setup, thatā€™s fine