Queue/Submit Discussion Thread


Three weeks is what took my FM Enemy Within 4 from start to end.

How are people way too addicted for this.

If I want to submit a game, how long will it take for the setup review? If itā€™s just a standard 9er

Typically vanilla setups donā€™t take long at all to review

Once itā€™s time for it to be reviewed just have an OP ready and youā€™re good to go

It also depends on how many other games are in the queue as well being reviewed.
First come equals first served.

Does this mean Standard or mountainous?

Iā€™ve never heard of mountainous 9 so

Standard, no spicy roles or anything

11 is more standard for 2 wolf mountainous but 9 would probably be playable in certain environments

Iā€™ve seen Mountainous 9ers run in ~high skill playerlists~

would probably not recommend running one on this site

Any guide on how to make role PMs/OPs? Not s ur e if thereā€™s any formalized rule for this sort of thing

okay so not this site

thereā€™s not a particular standard format, if you have no idea where to start you can copy PM formats from other games

Same for OPs?

Can confirm

I did this multiple times

The average skill level would be higher if Alice were still playing on this website.

Seeing as its a vanilla game you can probably search for a similar game and yoink the OP

we run mountainous 7ā€™ers on MU

i mean itā€™s technically ā€œCopā€ ā€œ9erā€ but it ends up being mountainous 7er eventually


He didnā€™t say it was Vanilla? He said it was Standard (All Vanilla roles in a Closed setup).

He said specifically a ā€œstandard 9erā€ which implied a cop9 or something

Also W H Y D O E S T H I S M A T T E R