Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

This phys claim has said nothing else the whole game?

Kill it

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There are layers of extraneous feedback. I wasnā€™t advocating for removing all of it.

Something like detecting occupy immunity, I always found such a case. You already get enough information by knowing they couldnā€™t have made a kill (provided they arenā€™t occupy immune) and your main job is different from getting mechanical information. Not sure if this example still exists, havenā€™t played in ages

This is kinda off topic now though.

it does still exist

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Oh no whatever can BD do now without feedback!

If only there was something called social deduction

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Imagine the ToL playerbase being any good at that, and ToL is ultra-turbo.

If only there was something called ā€œextremely simple readsā€


actually basic social deduction is impossible in ToL because Fool exists but go off i guess

I donā€™t think Ive ever heard him explain why this is the case

Itā€™s not that hard.
Most of it is simple logic and reasoning and itā€™s not like FM where you have to account big interactions and logic and all that other stuff.
Stuff like ā€œWow this push by the Maid sucks, he claims the Butler is evil because Butler was flirted K/O and Killer badā€

Imagine the ToL playerbase thinking thatā€™s scummy, and imagine scum actually doing that and not town.

Thatā€™s the level of bs I see from scum usually in TOL. Occasionally, there are legit BD who do that and just blow my mind by doing so, but these are simple and logical reasoning.

Then again Iā€™ve met some very very stupid people while playing the game

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I can only assume it must be sarcasm




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What Amelia said. I only do sarcasm if itā€™s crossed out, I rarely use /s.

Fool is detrimental to ToL

because theyā€™re not in queue
itā€™s not like
a menu
itā€™s a queue


I was being sarcastic

I canā€™t tell with you