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sparshal was magical

planning/commiting and solving murder? no
being able to do dumb stuff with magic? sign me up

I swear the last Danganronpa misc had the wrong role cards given out.
Seriously it was obvious when the firefighter was starting fires and the firestarter was putting them out.
How was it not re randed then?

because lolcrich
because lollight

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This was actually a result of me misreading the class roster

the ultimate class roster was not doing their job very well


Being an ultimate class roster is a lot less useful when you’re also the mastermind

me to pkr: I’m gonna cop light, I think he’s the arsonist

light: is firefighter


Alice unknowingly outed me as the arsonist.
I wonder if she would have realised that if she were still playing.
Except memory holed class trial.

Imagine the arsonist being a split personality actually being a plausible explanation

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that would’ve been funny plotwise

the firefighter with an arsonist persona

isidifidjJb wendivoidekwoso k kamakskfnwnw w


Apparently the arsonist was created because the firefighter was kinda shitty on its own

I’d assume so, considering like


Fire-putting-out role existing without fire murders happening



sorry thats what i read at first

when was someone gonna tell me about the special gifts in dangan 2

we didn’t think it’d
be important
or we just forgot
i forgot that it wasn’t just DRV3

I thought you knew already honestly and either way is a nice surprise.

Side note: adding work in progress game to queue

ong u got flagged