Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Ah, so you’re rebelling against the fact that BotC is a misc. Fair enough, it should have been Special this whole time

rise up

It probably no longer matters now since black listed people can’t join miscs.


The difference is it has to pass review

to be fair LuF probably isn’t the best choice for review

Also it means two miscs and one non-LuF FM game can run, rather than two FM games and one non-LuF misc

fair enough
TB would ?probably? be better, but I already made the OP so

I mean
I don’t think there are enough miscs to say “don’t let botc be a misc” just from that perspective, and I think it’s different enough from regular FM to be classified as a misc
I just don’t ever plan on playing one ever again

i mean
LuF in particular involves a lot of ST interaction
probably isn’t good for review

BoTC is like the adopted child of FM

science shows that adopted children are usually more like heir birth parents than their adopted ones

Defy Science, return to monke.

most of the information we have on the extent to which traits are heritable comes from a single study, which had more than zero flaws

it primarily looked at twins who were adopted into different families but failed to account for the fact that ‘families who are adopting infants’ removes a lot of the variation in upbringing that one would normally expect to see

I didn’t say it was good science
I just wanted to make a joke


jokes are illegal now



Sorry Arete, you’re under arrest.


i think BoTC falls under special but the target audience is specific/small enough that i think it taking place of FM games would be disruptive to the queue

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That’s basically what I said :^)

Ciconia FM - When They Cry astand idk 48/24 Special

If I feel inspired enough and am lucky, maybe will finish in the following week.

Another rolemadness is exactly what is needed in the queue, right?