Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

you put it under WIP

Uh is that the correct place?

no it’s under waiting for review
i’ve balanced the set-up with amelia

Ok let me fix that.


Hey Eli you said you wanted to remove Lazziez un Faire right?
I’ll remove it for you.

yeah thanks


Now we’ll never get the chance to play Lassesssesseessesz Unfair

no it’ll happen eventually
probs in misc queue

If I ran a large game (25-40 players) on the MU Subforum, Would you play (anon poll)

  • Yes
  • Maybe
  • No

0 voters

If yes or maybe, what game speed would you prefer

  • 12/12
  • 36/12 (12/12 day 1)
  • Shrugze / Im clicking this to see the results

0 voters

expand upon your large game

Medium-ish power, ITAs, modbot-supported roles, events

1 Like

Depends when it is

if you end up doing this and want/need a co-host lemme know

I’ll need a reviewer/cohost

But I’m seeing if it’s worth fine-tuning the rough setup I have outlined at all based on interest

“would you play”
“phase length?”

enjoy the info, marshal

anyway if i didnt play id be willing to help you set it up in modbot if you had questions n such

i am dissapointed in you


Did you want me to turn this into a SFoL or some crap?

you missed the grand opportunity for a pun

Ok yeah but like… it’s a closed setup >_>