Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

By this, you mean “I made the set-up for her because she sucks at set-up design”

How many people would be interested in a ‘The Genius’ (Korean TV Show)/‘Liar Game’ (Manga) kind of Misc?

I’m thinking of hosting one if I can think of enough interesting Competitions.


Is that the manga where the Minority Rule game originated? I thought I read about that somewhere. The storyline does sound interesting. :slight_smile:

Oh wait Minority Rule is anime?

I think the story uses a different version of Minority Rule with like yes or no questions instead, but it has the basic idea of choosing the side with the least votes.

any idea when the next misc will open?

before the misc after the next misc opens


Don’t want to ask this anywhere else, but what happens if all the alive people die in Minority Rule? I want to know since I am programming a Minority Rule 12

person with most oranges or whatever your tiebreaker item is wins

Normally there are no tiebreaker items, instead there are multiple winners

inb4 castle desolation opens while i’m at school

if @Alice will let me pre-in that’d be nice, but tbh i don’t expect that to happen
little did we know that VLDR was opening first

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Obama will strike again



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O r a n g

Wait what happened to Alice’s game

I am infiltrating it! :slight_smile: