Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Do you stop learning after you earn your degree, Zone

im pretty sure they have all the reviewers they need now

like, stuff is getting reviewed well now at the rate it needs to be, setups seem fine to me, and the queue / review process is infinitely more transparent now than it was 6-8 months ago

i dont care if the process is seclusive. They had an application period when they needed some. I didnā€™t apply because I know im awful at balancing and always will be. Presumably, if they ever need more, theyā€™ll open up another application

like, i dont really see a need for them to bring on more reviewers that they dont need

thatā€™s for them to decide Iā€™m afraid

i know that
that was just my take

Yes I know I was agreeing with you
Which is why Iā€™m saying that Iā€™m afraid that Iā€™m going to want to apply during a time when they might not want them

I plan to, but something tells me that wonā€™t be the case.

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ā€¦ That wasnā€™t the point of the question.

Then you shouldā€™ve been more straightforward.
I thought you knew I am never good with softclaims, curveballs, and beating around the bush questions.

No, I mean if youā€™re a Doctor and get your degree
Do you stop learning just because youā€™ve been to school
Will you not learn anything new from actually being a Doctor than a med student?

Depends on what you define as learning.
If I learn about a new game that will arrive in 2025, then that is also ā€œlearning something newā€.

I didnt know this was a concern, but if the host and reviewer is open to sharing they can, it works less for closed games til they finish i guess, but yeah if people want we can show. Its mainly us just reviewing and giving our thoughts.

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I guess you can just ask and Ill run you through the same process as long as you pass

Do you disagree that a person that qualifies as reviewer may learn additional experience to aid them while reviewing in designing their own setups?

Iā€™ve finished making all of the rolecards for my game, but Iā€™m going to have it looked over before the official review process. Should I submit it to queue somewhere?

Yeah just go to the main thread. Put it in the same format as the rest, and then put it in op same format as the rest, and you will be assigned a reviewer someday

which category does it go under?

I do not disagree. I just like to tease / annoy you a bit. It brings me joy to have a conversation, whether it be positive or negative.

Current Categories are:
FOL: which it isnt
SFOL: which is a varient of fol
Vanilla FM: like mountainous
Standard FM: a commonly run game like cop 13
Special FM: Which is like role madness with weird mechanics
Mash/Mini Mash: Like any of the FMs but 20+ for Mini and 30+ for Mash

sub categories that exist but are not needed
anom: all alts
Comp: competitive if u want to i guess
i cant think of others

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By whom? A co-host or the reviewer?
Because if itā€™s the latter, then itā€™s no different than being officially reviewed.

Just one or two people in the design discord that didnā€™t plan on playing in it