Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

It’s forced switching.

Meaning all info is false.

by literally everybody’s info being false
also it takes many nights for pit-hag to swap and there’s usually a signal

My point still stands

Cool, bounty hunter now knows that one player isn’t evil, compared to one player being evil

I’d say that’s worse


You add up all the information you receive and if none of it makes sense, you probably have a Vortox game.

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There’s not a lot of like…

Multi poisoning going on SNV.

Most of the poisoning comes from Demons.

The Minions all do their own wierd crap and Sweetheart is there as secondary form of drunking to make info not make sense I guess.

Can’t some minions poison too, and drunk?

Drunkness comes from good and poison comes from evil (typically)
Determining there’s a vortox game is actually more easier than you think; especially when you’ve got roles like Savant that are gaining two pieces of info per day.

This was actually kind of a thing!


Witch outright just dayvigs people.

Evil Twin makes town have a mass headache.

Cerenovus makes people not claim things they are

And Pit Hag causes 20 billion jinxes outside of SNV…

No poisoning going on here.

Or Artist who can quite literally ask the storyteller what 1+1 is.


Vig10er is standard and not 9er for a reason

Isn’t artist one use though?

Thats a bit of a waste

One use learn what Demon is in-play is useful

Yes; but juggler also exists.
You can juggle yourself as juggler and 4 other people as juggler.
Anything other than 1 means it’s a vortox game.

Well assuming ur not sitting next to the No Dashii

Or the demon just murders you

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You could ask Storyteller if seats 1-5 contain an evil

(Talking about a better use for an ability, not a vortox game)