Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

What do people find enjoyable in large high power games?

What’s good and what’s bad


Having an actually fun role

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I don’t know how much I actually enjoy specifically large high power games but weh

chaos and destruction

Having good reads


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speaking of high power

lmk if you wanna do infection

dying tbh


Chaos and weird ass-PRs.

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not to be confused with weird-ass PRs



Like the lying darkness

That was a great pr

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I just realized I misplaced the hyphen. And no, I’m not fixing it.

Anything that doesn’t make my brain hurt.

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Everything makes your brain hurt though

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Yes so why do you think I still play botc.

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I like a role that allows creative uses while not being useless if you don’t have that creative juices.

Or a role that is so overly complicated seeming but is just like a Roleblocked with several paragraphs of ability text.

Or a Dreaming god wildcard.

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roles that are unique and not standard

basically this

Infection is a mess :^)

do not introduce hammer mechanics
absolutely do not do this

i say this as someone who sacrificed a lot to be there every eod and hammer villagers for role powers as a wolf


bad idea: hammer mechanics, but instead of being rewarded for hammering, you’re rewarded for being the first vote on the wagon that flips

possibly with the caveat of needing to be unaligned with you ala LotR


that rvs is gonna be fun