Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Nearly happened recently lol

Tbh people here believe claims willy-nilly for no reason at all. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen an un-CCā€™d PR claim be lynched here.

I mean thatā€™s probably for good reason given those kinds of things tend to self-resolve

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I fixed the setup already

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With no D1 lynch and no N0 greencheck itā€™s effectively a Cop9 with a N0 greencheck with a bit more discussion at the start, which shouldnā€™t massively affect anything

Yeah that is nice aint it.

Yeah pretty much

Alright. I edited the Queue OP.

youā€™reā€¦ gonna make it into a cop10er?

eh itā€™s fine
i really donā€™t care

Me? I am just the guy adding games to the Queue OP. If you want to talk about the game itself, then discuss it with your co-hosts.

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ah sorry
i was intending it to be a cop9er but

But Among Us is meant to be played with 10 players

what the consensus between hosts and players is anymore

Just do Cop10 with no D1 lynch and no N0 greencheck

After N1 it will then be 7v2 with one N0 check and the only differences are the possibility of a N0 redcheck which is offset by the possibility of a Cop dying and getting 9p mountainous

Itā€™s a bit swingier but should encourage good town play (both from Cop and cits) and fmpov thatā€™s a net positive


Problem with no D1 lynch is that without it over half the players here will just blow the day off.


haha marson

Oh pfft, problem

If people who blow d1 off would post at least half of what I did here then Iā€™d be happy.