Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

MU’s database has wayyyyy too much stuff

MC’s list is just basic/vanilla roles

Does this count as ToS retri?

But… what’s the point of that if “Vanilla vs Standard” is about whether the setup is open/semi-open or closed? Wouldn’t that mean that any games with a retri is considered Special?

Not really. That thing copies roles of the dead instead of reviving the dead.

@arete @Chloe @datbird Any mod want to weigh in on this?

OH new retri lmao

no but that is admittedly quite close

I assumed you weren’t talking about the rework

Retri is a dead role copier now

I don’t play ToS so idk what it used to be.

Revive a player

Wait, seriously? Huh… well in that case I stand corrected.
I didn’t think ToS’ changes would be anything drastic.

I dont think you need to ping the mods for everything

If it’s not on the list it doesn’t count. The role you named isn’t ToS retri

I don’t think you really need to ping every mod to figure it out

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I would just work on the setup and then ask your reviewer what the classification is


Then what Game Type should it be considered?

I do think there is a world where requesting a dead role copier be allowed makes sense

I do agree that’s not worth the pinging of like every mod

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I mean… it’s not as if most people care. They always put it as “SFM” even though that’s not a thing anymore, and then people like me change it to “Standard” without their consent.

In the first place, I don’t even think that people care about the game type and only looks at “who is the host”, “are there flavor text”, “is the game bastard or not”, “do I have time for this game”, and “do I think my time is worth this game”.


If only we had an orange-designed multiqueue

…? What does that entail?

Generally category-based queues rather than the FFA we have now

don’t give in, it’s a fancy way of saying an orange dictatorship where he decides what passes and what doesn’t and permanently bans anybody who fails review, which is all done by him alone


L👀k, DatBird is replying!