Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

It was stated to be bastard

It was portrayed as a bastard game, even with that title I thought the game was still flawed and therefore denied it.

guess I wont get reviewer :skull:

Emilia, one we have only so many reviewers, 2 most of them are already reviewing stuff, 3 for the most part we try to go down the list.

Be patient plz

okay UwU

Bastard games that are just bastard to be bastard arenā€™t fun

Mafia IC always wins Mafia the games.

Look at Grand Idea where most ICā€™s are Mafia yet still get trusted :slight_smile:

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p sure thereā€™s like, 2 scum ICs in the entire GI thread

more can be summoned by other abilities.

E.G: Traitor Town.

town traitor has a pretty fucking small chance of randing a scum IC

conversion can get funky with ICs tho

solution: remove ICs except ones that are funny

solution: Remove players

did it once lol

Pretty sure thereā€™s a lot more town ICs in Gi tho

The one with the Guilty Child was a bastard game, but weā€™re now talking about Surgeā€™s rejected game with Mafia InnoChild.

This prob needs to be updated then.

nothing of what u sent is in contradiction to what i have posted

It says that Standard cannot have bastard mechanics.

AND as i have said nothing contradicts what i said. Its not a category, it conflicts with vanilla as vanilla is vanilla
