Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Oh wait, it’s worse than I thought.

I thought it revealed when it visits lol

It’s not just a goon

It’s an IC that becomes a Guilty Child if visited

Yes, but by putting a ‘Standard’ tag on it, you make it more appealing to those who want a balanced experience (and also a rule of Standard is no bastard, but there seems to be conflict between the mods).

the tag itself doesn’t really matter, if the game passed review but had the incorrect tag, I would have prompted him to change the tag as the reviewer.

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Wait, I just realized eevee’s misc went poof.


For this misc.

Uhh, I don’t feel like making a thread for this since I’ve already got lots of this misc’s first chapter planned out. But I just wanted y’all opinion on this. Even if you don’t think you will in, I’d still like a response on this because I need honest opinions on it and asking y’all is the best place:

  • Use Characters from the Game (May lead to Spoilers within characters, people who have played the game to have an advantade, etc.
  • Use Own Characters with Unique Names (Removes angleshooting based on characters)
  • I don’t care but I saw this and wanted to feel special so I clicked this

0 voters

Also. I may need a co-host for this because this is pain and suffering tbh.

I say use unique characters. Ideally, you want to limit advantages for other players as much as you can.

I’d happily help co-host but we haz the same timezone.

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im down to help as well, up to u though

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Have either of you actually played the game?

(It would be a lot better if you have played it or could play it)

nope never heard of it, was mainly trying to be nice, and if u need help I usually can step in and do shit.

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Ah I getcha.

You can play it for free in your browser. It’s pretty fun.

might look into it, if u send me it


Games unfinished rn (On it’s last chapter)


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Original characters is safer, but using game characters is still not quite fully alignment indicative.

Appreciated @Moleland and @DatBird

I might come back to y’all after I’ve finished designing the game and stuff.