Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

It starts after WoW

I know but itā€™s before Homestuck in queue.


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i wonā€™t discuss it but iā€™ve read the setup and uh
something something kp something

Ongoing game

I will newspaper yā€™all :newspaper_roll:

Patience is a virtue

Itā€™s a virtue I donā€™t have.

FM Request: The host gets drunk to process the night and canā€™t revert/announce moderrors.

Preferably to not damage their health the phases would be 72/24 or smthn

that would require someone of age
of which there are almost none


hosting drunk sounds like an awful time

with that said im not fully against trying it

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I just donā€™t drink in general, so no.

Now that Geydeā€™s 9ā€™er is over, can we now keep having three games at a time, or was his game an exception since it was smaller?

it was smaller
Iā€™ll consult schedule

Right Iā€™m opening NewD3
Iā€™d like to remind people that any discussion of this NewD3 and Iā€™m blacklisting you from playing NewD3
Iā€™m not even joking
This is a competitive setup


I donā€™t care if you believe itā€™s okay to message people that you know arenā€™t in the game
I donā€™t care
Do not do it or Iā€™ll personally have your head

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Understood. Donā€™t call me for this game.

ā€¦ I just said, specifically to not give information away about the player list, to not mention anything about it.
Oh my lord. ZONE.

I mean, I didnā€™t start any discussion, and I am fine with being blacklisted from a game I wonā€™t play.

ā€¦apparently I didnā€™t understand what this sentence meant, and Iā€¦ still kinda donā€™t understand the point of this sentence, since it doesnā€™t involve anything with NewD3.

Because itā€™s an anonymous competitive setup

How do people manage to breach integrity before my game even starts
That is funny