Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

actually i have a good map pre-painted in the form of an old medieval RP


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here’s a picture

ignore the part where i have the pride tag

As I expected this server died a long time ago

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As a genuine question, who is currently designing the next DR?

About like

3 DRs are being designed

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And I will roll Mastermind in all of them

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I think

Light is doing one
Ici is doing one
I forgot the third

clearly it’s me and min

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Wanna join

I can help design a DR misc.
Multiple, actually.

i recall jgoes making one but they took it out of the queue because it wasn’t ready or something

actually i’d design a DR but i wouldn’t have time for it

so unless somebody hosts who has more time than me

italy that was DR3

I could make one, I’m just more of a flavor > mechanics person

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this is why it’s a misc

Yes but lolrng and lolstats

min making vibecat danganrompa :heart_eyes_cat: