Queue/Submit Discussion Thread



allignments arenā€™t specified therefore iā€™m going to assume that everybody is actually village-alligned and this is What The World Could Be


uh but i actually pretty much 100% agree with the take
janitor is a Goodā„¢ role if used right

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Janitor is a hit or miss. If you place it incorrectly itā€™s an absolutely horrible addition to your setup
Otherwise itā€™s really good

i guess they never miss huh

you got a boyfriend?



damn eevee is stone cold

rejecting my setups without even commenting on them

was wondering why it was taking so long for him to review them and it turns out he immediately rejected them :joy_cat:

Iā€™ve finally decided to start working on this

Would anyone like to help or cohost

go on


this but it actually happens



me me me

although i havenā€™t played the first evo mafia so idk how it works

would probably be willing to cohost/altmod

playing in it would bring back bad memories


Iā€™ll finish it soon-ish but exams exist.


ok !!