Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

when superfight delayed :frowning:

Coup delayed big sadge

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Why is it delayed? Why did Marl skip yours smh

apparently he forgot to add it to the quue and it was submitted earlier

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danganronpa with clocktower flavored ultimates (Ultimate Fang Gu)
or clocktower trials

Both! I haven’t really thought of all the logistics, but I will definitely incorporate core mechanics from both games.

that seems like it’s going to fail horribly

I’m thinking it’ll be Deadly Penance Day and the Blackened replaces the Monsta until the Final Trial, where the Minions decide

I’m scared


i added it to the queue i just didn’t edit it into the op
because i didn’t know it was a wiki until today

(that being said dont worry minority rules only usually last like a week, if that (depending on playercount))

minority rule with 2 options

  1. vanilla
  2. if you pick this option you will die
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I pick 2

don’t die or you’ll die

pigeon you should probably play a few games before hosting

otherwise it will not end well

trust me


don’t host a game before playing or you’ll host a game before playing


pigeon has an unnatural obsession with hosting a game
i say let it happen, what’s the worst that could come of it :non-potable_water:

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cough Wazza’s turbo cough