Hero FM
Everyone is a 1-shot Day Desperado
Hero FM
Everyone is a 1-shot Day Desperado
game ends in 4 hours
That will probably be a very short game.
this is the name
trust me it’s genius
pick me! pick me!
Marson - mountainous but instead of factional kill mafia have a factional arson ability
Mpoison - mountainous but instead of factional kill mafia have a factional poison ability
Mountainado - mountainous but instead of factional kill mafia have a factional desperado ability
Mountainado sounding dope
Mountainester - mountainous but instead of factional kill mafia kills up to three players when a scum member is lynched
town of salem 3 when
Probably never
I prefer vanilla games now, and I’m working on something else rn anyway.
Someone else can host it if they want too.
i see
Can someone host a major high power role madness game I’m bored
Astand has one coming up soon I think
grand idea
Oh now you’re encouraging that?
Yes, but I still have concerns with 2 miscs running, invitational coming and Aelin’s game being of the same type and half of size and still not being able to get filled.
Not high power enough for me
Aelin’s game?
Fwiw my setups aren’t really that much high power either imo.
I want to play LoTRFM but instead of hosting im playing it
Thats the type of high power I want rn