Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

what is a healing vig?

It’s a Vig that’s having an identity crisis

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Delayed doctor but more


Did I mention what the following role meant?

No? Well thank goodness! It is an atrocity!


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What did I get pinged for

Ah ok




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VLDR 3 is done.
YTtS got canned.
BotF X is done.

What happened to Island Adventure?

host is suspended

no the host is fucking dead

Oh. Well, okay.
I guess we are finally out of Miscs to play?

:joy_cat: miscs are cancelled :joy_cat:


Host 20 more botfs

intensify when he just played botf x and he makes another botf x

It’s coming in one year nerd.

I have to make a spreadsheet with every character and find out if they have jinxes or not

ah does the botf thing refresh yearly


I specifically picked summer because that’s when I would need to blackmail and kidnap the least amount of people to convince people to join.

thats stupid

then it wouldn’t be the 10th botf it would be like the 34th