Ranked. What is good and what is bad?

Ranked should be all about competitiveness.

It should be a battle between veterans for the top spot!

So, here is what i propose for the Ranked System

  1. For a player to join the ranked games they have first to win certain ammount of games. Yes, exactly! Not play, but win. If a player plays games without thinking and without learning, then there is no point. They have to ean their way by actually trying and winning the games.

  2. Congratulations! You can play in ranked games :smiley:

Here comes the ELO , or the scoring system.

Now the usuall: Winnin/Losing.

Should there be more to it ? No! You shouldn’t get less points because you were killed early in the game, and your partners carried you :confused:

No matter how good you are and how well you played, you should be judged as a team, not as individual.

Thats the most fair way of playing. Sure, if you carried your entire team and won, while they didn’t do anything… that would be unfair to you. But if you carried the entire game, while they also tryed but failed, and you won more points, that would be unfair to them, wouldn’t it?

To the more important topic: Losing points or not losing any points at all?

If we accept the winning/losing for the entire team then, would it be ok you to lose points for playing good but losing thanks to your team?

  1. This is where my real idea comes to:

2 seperate competitions !

The first one will be ranked competition where your team loses/wins points based on if you won/loss.

It will be 2-3 months long and after that the ranking will reset. This will be the general ranking where everyone will try their best.

The Second one will be a Limited Competition.

You will be given 100 -150 games to play in a month. You wont lose points when losing. At the end of the month the players with most points from all 100-150 games will be winners of the month.

Any Throughs about my ideas?

Ranked is definitely needed for the Try-harders and to retain veterans. I also suggest unique item rewards for ranked seasons.

I don’t see any point for ranked except those with huge ego to try to beat others with even bigger ego.

P.S. Like meeeeeee


I think that there should be some points given for individual effort. Just my opinion…

It is understandable, but that would make people angry that someone won more points than them , just because they were lucky to get a better role, or more lucky.

Same for the opposite tho.

it is really hard to make it right, so i really think should be equal.That way everyone will be angry equally.