Reaper Changes!

Ok lets talk about them.I know other people are asking for changes and telling you what they want to be.I personally don’t know if anyone has written about it.Maybe?Ok so the reason i’m writing this in concern to the reaper changes to consume 2 souls when he dies instead of 1.
This change is a HUGE nerf to reaper.He can be killed by prince exes and hung just as easily as anyone.
All this change does is make him the WORST class in the game.You have limited kills,can’t deflect attention,aren’t occupy immune and are squishy so you even die at night.One of the things reaper might excel at is being unnoticed but the minute you are noticed is the minute you lose.Now i have won as reaper 3 times in a row.Its VERY difficult.And that was with consuming 1 soul upon death.I think this change should be reverted simply bc the reaper doesnt have any allies and this change was unnecessary.Now when consume soul consumed one soul it let reaper do when he consumed one soul was tank poison and bleed which no other class can do except physician and alch(Bleed).This let him make believable fake lies and wills with claiming physician.The other was it let it take hits.Now it can take maybe 2 hits before he is out of souls.I have a couple of suggestions.(Only one please otherwise reaper becomes OP)One-Give Reaper occupy immunity like the MM(They believe it worked)Two-Make gather darkness consume one soul.Three-Revert the change to consume soul only using 1 soul.Four-Make it when someone is icy touched they are not able t type in their journal for 2 nights.
Is this a personal thing?idk i just feel like Nks shouldnt be killed by unseen unless they put some work into it like an enforcer frenzy.

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This humblebrag, lol
You also sound like you said that whole paragraph in a single breath.

I have seen a couple Reapers get killed by the Assassin. It is quite sad.

I personally think Reaper is more powerful than the Possessor.

Reaper’s delayed-kill mechanic is really, really good. I’m pretty sure it’ll be okay with the two-souls thing.

Edit: Can you trollbox a reaped person???

I’ve watched myself pass a reaper check after I was reaped in the past. So yeah I believe that a reaped body can be trollboxed. Also I suppose it even goes further, in that you can see it.

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It is a humble brag bc well have you seen my name?
Also i only mention this bc i want people do know that i don’t want reaper to change bc I think it is impossible to win as reaper.I want people to know i want reaper to change bc it is just under powered not bc I think it is too hard to win as.Also this points out that reaper was hard to win as with consume soul consuming 1 soul.Now it consumes 2 souls which makes reaper EVEN harder to win as.

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Reaper was nerfed because his win rate is way too high for a neutral killer.

Also since I proved that Reaper can win a game when chat is bugged out and you get no system messages or anything.
Reaper is too strong. Reaper is still too strong. He is going to get another nerf probably too.


I don’t see a lot of reaper wins to be fair . I see a lot of bd loses in games where its reaper compared to possessor .

To make the reaper and possessor fake claims relevant they have to institute a neutral killer offensive class and a special investigative class. Right now NKs can only claim butler,drunk, or knight. All of which are BD. Easily called out by observer or kings investigate. If they claim alch to get around that then the princess calls them out for being killer instead of social.

Right now I see reaper and poss win maybe 1 out of every 10 matches if BD don’t completely throw. They need the game balanced with both factions but evils are executed or killed too fast right now. So by d6 it becomes 10 BD looking fornthe NK. Easy to find with princess and sheriff.

Honestly 10% is a pretty fair winrate for the side with only 1 member. It’s meant to overall to take a lot of skill and luck to win as the 1 man side. His function is to add a bit of chaos and even things out a bit with the main 2 factions, with the occasional holy crap supprise win as the cherry on top.

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shaladins will only show members of the unseen or cult as suspicious . they will not see that you are a neutral . .