Rebels In The Palace - Rebels Win!

And you vote marl!


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/vote joker nice.

We gonna lose this

I have a feeling too.

I wanna vote chessy because they have said not a lot unless I can’t read.

I want them to talk :frowning:

@MaximusPrime Unvote me. Scum can quickhammer me now.

Why would they quickhammer their own teammate :thinking:

They need 5 they cant.

i thought majority was 4 for a minute
Mind voting M while you’re here, Memesky?

He dis

I dif


@Memesky unvote me. Scum can quickhammer me now.

You are scum tbh

Flashbacks intensifies

I’m really bad at seeming town when I am

The first thing you did was vote me tbh

If you’re a guard and not the king you can confess and we’ll try to hang the king instead.

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I’m rebel

Can we get VC?

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Think this is sus imo

Are you trying to recover from the awkward conversation with Hippo?