Rebels In The Palace - Rebels Win!

guys i think ashe is slightly annoyed that this is taking so long. it probably should’ve ended a while ago lol

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oh yes absolutely definitely not trash host here


Lol I’m getting accusations that are actually compliments for me

I’ve seen M roll fool is that close enough

When he was he “scum-slipped” alot.

Whether that’s playstyle as regular scum idk :man_shrugging:

Fool scum slipping is the way you win as fool so

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If this is not a joke, this is incredibly anti-town and this pushes me towards your wagon over M’s.

Yay I guess?

I can’t tell if it’s you just being an eager sheep or if you’re actually being antitown
But we can’t afford to mislynch.
I want to hear something from EVERYONE before we decide on a lynch.

@MtheJoker @MaximusPrime @Hippolytus @Whammerist @Memesky

Who is your top lynch right now and why? Who is your top town?

@Firelitten too

Thankfully there is no limit to the night/day cycles so we have the liberty of discussing things at our leisure

@Ashe Do the guards have a scum chat of any kind? I take it no?

Oh boi here we go trying to read again
Scum: first I thought you but since you say we should be calm not anymore.

I’d say lynch hippo. If he’s guard or King maximus is good. If he is rebel we should lynch maximus after that

Top town is Fire or you. You are pretty active and leading town and idk why fire. I just have that feeling

And I Should add im trash at Reading people. I prefer Reading books :wink:

Don’t apply any votes yet btw - I want to hear EVERYONE’S opinion before we reach our consensus on who to vote.

@MaximusPrime unvote btw you heckin scoundrel

And yours :thinking:

Guards have no chat (and don’t know who the other guard is, as well).


Yay I was right :wink:

…why put that wink there though

That makes no sense. Max hadn’t given a single justification for hanging me other than herpderp he hasn’t said much he must be king derp.

Whamms my top tr. I always get m and max muddled up but I want to hang one of them.