Rebels In The Palace - Rebels Win!


I learnt something today

Fire isn’t good In turbo matches.

@discobot roll 1d6

:game_die: 5

Wait lemme do this in a different thread oops

Again lol

@Ashe banish discobot!


Btw 5 is once again, hippo -_-

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5 is actually me
if you’re counting down the player list.

what if we push up hippo

He gets pushed up and dies.

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Who are his guards? Obviously Memesky is one. Who’s the second?

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Not including myself

I’m speaking purely in hypothetical btw

And how am i obvious?

If I’m king max is clearly a guard.

Meme give us your king and we let you live

Tell us who you think is scummy and who you think is town

hippo was quiet on the hippo/king thing (and I’d be too; it was stupid)
but what if his current acknowledgement is since it’s not getting pushed, WIFOM the hell out of it

You’ve said multiple times you’re against a Hippo lynch
For pretty much no reason
before HIppo even spoke
When asked you said you didn’t know why.